



第一章 摩根大通简介    4
1.1摩根大通信息框图    4
1.2摩根大通概况    4
1.3摩根大通组织机构    5
1.4摩根大通业务范围    5
1.5摩根大通在中国业务发展情况    6
1.6摩根大通竞争对手    6
1.7摩根大通企业领导者    9
1.8摩根大通发展战略    9
1.9摩根大通生涯管理    10

第二章 摩根大通笔试资料    11
2.1测试题目分享    11
2.2网申题目    11
2.3一套 JP 筆試真題    12
2.4 Online Numerical Test    12
2.5 Online-test归来    13
2.6 online test新题    13
2.7 OT感受    14
2.8 Online Situational Judgement Test    14
2.9 2014-Logical新鲜出炉    14
2.10 J.P Morgan 网申截屏    16
2.11 JPM online test    16

第三章 摩根大通面试资料    17
3.1 J.P.Morgan Spring-Interview    17
3.2 JPM摩根大通London Summer Finance AC    18
3.3 JP Morgan Hong Kong    19
3.4 摩根大通IBD 一面二面    21
3.5 HK Investment Management FT    22
3.6 SG Global Corporate Banking 电面    23
3.7 2014 HK HR Dev Intern Assessment Center    23
3.8 JPM London 2014 Summer Intern Operations AC    25
3.9 ibd hk sa first round 面经    26
3.10 HK Finance Summer Internship面经    27
3.11 2014 HK Finance Summer 面经    27
3.12 2014 HK IBD Summer Intern电面    28
3.13 JPM IBD Internship 2014 一面    28
3.14 HR Dev Summer Intern 二面    29
3.15 J.P. Morgan 2014 HK Finance Internship    30
3.16 Operations 電面    31
3.17 JPM 电面    31
3.18 phone interview IT HK intern    32
3.19 电面问题总结    32
3.20 HK PB电面    33
3.21 JP Morgan HKPB 电面    33
3.22 摩根面经    34
3.23 北京 QR fulltime 电面    34
3.24 JP Morgan SG Tech Telephone Interview    35
3.25 JP Morgan private bank 一面    35
3.26 London First round interview 面经    35
3.27 上海Office面试    36
3.28 面试全纪录    36

第四章 摩根大通综合求职经验    37
4.1摩根士丹利与JP摩根的区别    37

附录:更多求职精华资料推荐    39

3.1 J.P.Morgan Spring-Interview




London Office Apri Spring


Leon 英国高中,牛津,中国人,restructuring, 5 years in JPM

Why JPM, Why IBD, what do you want to do in IBD.

How do you distinguish JPM from Goldman in terms of structure (commercial bank)

Do you keep track of financial news?—Alibaba deal-How large will the transaction be?

Give me an example how you deal with pressure (any kind or even when you in your 8 years old)

Visa application. Highlight--stop the embassader on the way to toilet.

In your professional activities, what skills you required and what you think you can still work on?

Tell me something about your team experience.

Give me example that you face tight DDL.


Caroline ESCP-UBS Paris-UBS London-JPM London-6 years in JPM

Brain teaser1: 9coins, one is much heavier, and you can use a scale for twice, what will you do.  (you can change if you find it’s too hard)

Brain teaser2: Volvo said they have safer cars because people who drive Volvo have fewer accidents, can you find reason to prove it is wrong? In what way you can prove your assumption is right?

Reason 1: people who drive the cars are tend to be more conservative

Reason 2: Not clearly state on what level and geographic section does this conclusion come from. So we can’t generate the conclusion based on only one example.

What quality do you think IB needs?

Which one you think you can still work on and improve   

Do you have difficulties when communicating with people.

How will deal with pressure when you have a lot task at the same time.

What do you think qualifies you for our program? Analytical, communicative, initiative (can add flexible)

How do you deal with pressure.

Potential is the key point the bankers are looking for when they try to hire someone.

Cultural tolerance and being flexible (find French rude after living for 10 years in London)


Bonne chance àvous tous


3.2 JPM摩根大通London Summer Finance AC




JP哈哈每次都想笑,极品摩根= =好了。我是发帖来为研究生求Offer攒人品的. 有好人帮忙准备,应届生里面Jasmine的帖子也超有帮助,大大的感谢一番。

背景介绍:英国G5伦敦大学, 统计经济背景,成绩还好。没什么拿得出手的实习经历,出国后社团经历很shining= =(自我感觉良好)

当天有18个人。分为上午下午。结构相同:一对一面试(30min of motivation, competency questions+role play(20min individual case study--15min of 1-1 role play meeting--15min of writing up in a reporting email)+group exercise(another case study+group presentation)+interview(competency,situational)


Recap from JPMorgan Finance AC

First interview: (digging up questions)

1.    Why this programme at JP?

2.    Your long term plan, what todo, how can you handle CIMA(pronounced as Sima) while working?

3.    When you persuade someone inyour team, how, outcome

4.    Time you handled large amountof data and analysed it

5.    When you deal with a problemand think of a solution when the cause not initially clear

6.    If you work in a team, don'tknow what to do, how to approach it


1.    20min case study about bondprice and coupon. Core problem: difference from trader’s estimation and yourteam P&L. Information provided includes emails from a trader, your manager,a piece of news on interest rate, internal P&L. Use instructions frommanagers email about possible reasons why this problem occurred.


2.    In a meeting, present anddiscuss your findings with the “trader”. Suggestions: keep calm, since theytest resilience. Present findings with sound reasoning, I used instructionsfrom manager, like a few areas where discrepancy might result from, andeliminate irrelevant area to find out the potential result. Invite the trader into conversation since it is a meeting, not a presentation. Encourage communication. Polite,respectful, firm and calm. Listen carefully trader’s response and new issuesproposed by trading desk. Ask availability for next discussion, and state ifshe wanted to include anything else in the report you submit later.


3.    An email to write up the resultfrom your meeting to your manager. Although not encouraged, but you may addadditional info not discussed in the meeting in the email provided you are sureit is right. List bullet points to clearly state the conclusion. Proposeanother meeting to further investigate.

Group exercise

1.    Overview: emerging marketinvestment. 5 different countries, I present Poland

2.    Suggestions: read the info packs,specific info on company’s trading strategies, investment outlook, align each country’sprospect with those. When state Poland, specifically outline my structure atbeginning, say benefits and threats, each from different aspects. More vocal,might not add anything, but propose general direction for discussion, assignpresentation work later.

3.    Presentation: don't rumble. Sayclearly the info. Conclude the presentation if answer last.

Second interview

1.    A time when you set very hightarget, why, how, result, what you learn

2.    Time when you aimed to solve aproblem, used analytical skills, however, proposed solution from you did notsolve, or worsen the problem.

就是这样。希望大家马上有offer. 同时为楼主自己求研究生的Offer以及return offer默默祈祷,加油!2014 wish all the best and every success in the future :)
或者有其他的伦敦小伙伴暑假会留下的可以留个联系方式认识一下 抱团哦~


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